Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sign Language Pedagogy and Audio Pedagogy

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Rehabilitation Sciences | Sign Language Pedagogy and Audio Pedagogy | Research | Current Research Projects | FluKoS | FluKoS – Competence Center “Refugees, trauma and disability in the context of school”

FluKoS – Competence Center “Refugees, trauma and disability in the context of school”


The Competence Center "Refugees, trauma and disability in the context of school" (FluKoS) supports educational staff working with refugee children and young adults in schools. The main focus is on pupils with special educational needs (diagnosed or suspected).

Aims of FluKoS

  1. Training for teachers and pedagogical staff

Introductory seminars cover the basics of trauma pedagogics. The subsequent follow-up seminars provide in-depth knowlegde of different disabilities with respect to trauma and displacement.

  1. Clinical supervision for teachers and pedagogical staff

Participants from Berlin and Brandenburg can join a supervision group. In these groups, the members can discuss current cases from their work in school and the challenges and stress that come with them.

  1. Information and networking

The website informs about refugees, trauma and disability in the context of school.

  1. Accompanying research

FluKoS evaluates the success of its teacher training with qualitative and quantitative methods. Furthermore, it collects examples of good practice in schools with regard to refugees, trauma and disability. 


FluKoS is part of the Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Rehabilitation Sciences (KoRa) at the Humboldt University of Berlin.  



Verband Sonderpädagogik e.V. – Landesverband Berlin and Verband Sonderpädagogik e.V. – Landesverband Brandenburg 


Becker, Claudia; Zimmermann, David (2019): Flucht, Traumatisierung und Hörschädigung – Theoretische Rahmung und Konsequenzen für die schulische Praxis. In: Avemarie, Laura; Hintermair, Manfred (Hrsg.): Kinderarmut und Hörschädigung. Soziale, psychologische und pädagogische Herausforderungen. Heidelberg: Median-Verlag, 157–176.

Friedrich, S., Becker, C. & Zimmermann, D. (2018): Schulische Teilhabe im Kontext von Flucht, Behinderung und Benachteiligung - Forschungsprojekt an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In: Behinderung und internationale Entwicklung, 29 (2), 12–20.


The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is co-financing FluKoS. 

