Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Rehabilitation Sciences




  • Doctoral degree to Dr. phil.


  • Women's representative of the Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences of the the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


  • Women's representative of the Philosophical Faculty IV

seit 2002

  • Instructor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences, Department Sign Language Pedagogy and Audio Pedagogy


  • Member of academic staff: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences, , DFG priority programme "Ideen als gesellschaftliche Gestaltungskraft im Europa der Neuzeit" (Ideas as social crative force in the Europe of modern times), cooperative project of the fields general rehabilitation sciences and general pedagogy on the issue "Die Erweiterung von Idee und Praxis der Bildsamkeit durch die 'Entdeckung' der Bildbarkeit Behinderter" (The enhancement of concept and practice of "Bildsamkeit" through the 'discovery' of disabled people's ability to be educated) (Direction: Prof. Dr. Sieglind Luise Ellger-Rüttgardt u. Prof. Dr. Heinz-Elmar Tenorth)


  • Study of Special Needs Education, Psychologie and Sociology at Freie Universiät Berlin (Graduation as certified pedagogue)


  • Teacher and educator at Polytechnische Oberschule Passow (Uckermark) and Albert-Gutzmann-Schule für Gehörlose Berlin-Mitte


  • Teacher training for primary education in the subjects of Mathematics, German and Physical Education at the Institute for Teacher Training Neuzelle