journal articles
Villwock, A. & Grin, K. (2022). Somatosensory processing in deaf and deafblind individuals:
How does the brain adapt as a function of sensory and linguistic experience? A critical review. Frontiers in Psychology.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. (2022). Event-related potential correlates of visuo-tactile motion
processing in congenitally deaf humans. Neuropsychologia, 170,
Matchin, W., Ilkbasaran, D., Hatrak, M., Roth, A., Villwock, A., Halgren, E. & Mayberry, R.
(2022). The cortical organization of syntactic processing is supramodal: Evidence from American Sign Language. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 224–235.
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., Piñar, P., & Morford, J. P. (2021). Language development in deaf bilinguals: Deaf middle school students co-activate written English and American Sign Language during lexical processing. Cognition, 211, 104642.
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., & Morford, J. P. (2020): Crossmodale Ko-Aktivierung von Schriftsprachen und
Gebärdensprachen bei tauben Kindern und Erwachsenen: Ein Resümee und Ausblick auf zukünftige Studien. Das Zeichen 116 (20).
Bottari, D., Bednaya, E., Dormal, G., Villwock, A., Dzhelyova, M., Grin, K., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E.,
Rossion, B., & Röder, B. (2020). EEG frequency-tagging demonstrates increased left hemispheric involvement and crossmodal plasticity for face processing in congenitally deaf signers. NeuroImage.
Löffler, J., Herrmann, A., & Villwock, A. (2020). „Wie ist noch mal die Gebärde ... ?“ Das Tip-of-the-finger-Phänomen in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS). Das Zeichen 114, 80–94.
Bednaya, E., Bottari, D., Dormal, G., Villwock, A., Dzhelyova, M., Grin, K., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E.,
Rossion, B., & Röder, B. (2018). Face processing in congenitally deaf signers as revealed by fast periodic visual stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology 131, S71-S72. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2018.07.206.
Fengler, I., Nava, E., Villwock, A., Büchner, A., Lenarz, T., & Röder, B. (2017). Multisensory emotion perception in congenitally, early, and late deaf CI users. PLoSONE 12(10): e0185821.
Kubus, O., Villwock, A., Morford, J. P., & Rathmann, C. (2015). Worterkennung bei gehörlosen Lesern: Sprachübergreifende Aktivierung von Deutscher Gebärdensprache und Deutsch. Das Zeichen 97, 268–286.
Kubus, O., Villwock, A., Morford, J. P., & Rathmann, C. (2015). Word recognition in deaf readers: Cross-language activation of German Sign Language and German. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36 (4), 831 – 854, doi:10.1017/S0142716413000520.
Nava, E., Bottari, D., Villwock, A., Fengler, I., Büchner, A., et al. (2014). Audio-tactile integration in congenitally and late deaf cochlear implant users. PLoSONE 9(6): e99606.
Villwock, A. (2013): Die historische Sicht kirchlicher Vertreter auf Gehörlosigkeit und Gebärdensprache: "Christliche Nächstenliebe" oder "Verdammung aus der Gemeinschaft"? Das Zeichen 94, 176–187.
Villwock, A. (2012): Monastische Gebärdensprachen und Gebärdensprachanwendung im Kloster. Vom Schweigegebot christlicher Ordensgemeinschaften hin zur gebärdensprachlichen Kommunikation in der monastischen Gehörlosenbildung. Das Zeichen 91, 266–282.
Villwock, A. (2012): Klöster und ihr Beitrag zur Gehörlosenbildung – eine historische Untersuchung vom frühen Mittelalter bis heute. Das Zeichen 90, 10–27.
Morford, J. P., Wilkinson, E., Villwock, A., Piñar, P. & Kroll, J. F. (2011): When deaf signers read English: Do written words activate their sign translations? Cognition, 118 (2), 286–292.
book review
Villwock, A. (2019). Review of Plaza-Pust, Carolina (2016) Bilingualism and deafness: On language contact in the bilingual acquisition of sign language and written language. In: Sign Language & Linguistics, 22(2), 303–311.
chapter in edited volume
Villwock, A. (2020). Deaf History: Klöster im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. In: Hartwig, S. (Ed.): Behinderung. Kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Metzler-Verlag. 191–194.
Villwock, A. (2016). Deaf History: 1300–1800. In: Gertz, G. & Boudereault, P. (Eds.): The SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia. SAGE Publications, Inc. 189–192.
conference presentations
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., Morford, J. P., Petersen, B. T., & Allen, T. E. Language at home - Language at
school: Factors shaping language proficiency in deaf children with deaf and hearing parents. Paper presented at the 14th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Osaka, Japan, September 2022.
Sehyr, Z. S. & Villwock, A. How does knowledge of one sign language influence perception of iconicity in
another sign language? Evidence from deaf signers of German and American Sign Languages. Talk presented at the 13th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 2022.
Villwock, A., Roth, A., Ilkbasaran, D., Hatrak, M., Halgren, E., Mayberry, R. Non-linguistic semantic processing in deaf native signers and late first language learners. Talk presented at the 14th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2020.
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., Amador, B. & Morford, J. P. Crossmodal co-activation of English and American Sign Language: Deaf bilingual readers display connections of print and signs early in development. Poster to be presented at the International Virtual Conference in Sign Language Processing, Montevideo, August 2020.
Amador, B.; Morford, J. P., Wilkinson, E., & Villwock, A. Predicting language proficiency of deaf
children. Paper presented at the 44th Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, November 2019.
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., Amador, B., Piñar, P., Morford, J. P. Connected, but not confused: Deaf middle school students co-activate English print and American Sign Language in a monolingual semantic judgment task. Poster presented Poster presented at the 13th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Hamburg, Germany, September 2019.
Villwock, A. Studying language processing and bilingualism: A transition from behavioral to
neuroscientific methods. Panel discussion: Linguistic Studies of Bilingualism in the Deaf Community: Past Barriers and Future Directions, presented at the 13th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2018.
Villwock, A., Matchin, W., Roth, A., Ilkbasaran, D., Hatrak, M., Halgren, E. & Mayberry, R. The neural
basis of syntactic processing in American Sign Language: An fMRI study. Poster presented at the 13th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2018.
Mayberry, R., Hatrak, M., Ilkbasaran, D., Matchin, W., Villwock, A., Roth, A., Halgren, E.
Syntactic development and neurolinguistic processing go hand in hand: Evidence from early vs late L1 acquisition of ASL. Paper presented at the 43rd Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, November 2018.
Bednaya, E., Bottari, D., Dormal, G., Villwock, A., Dzhelyova, M., Grin, K., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E.,
Rossion, B., & Röder, B. Face processing in congenitally deaf signers. Poster presented at the Blind Brain Workshop, IMT Lucca, Italy, October 2018.
Wilkinson, E., Villwock, A., Amador, B., Piñar, P., & Morford, J. P. Lexical processing in emergent deaf bilinguals. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2018.
Wilkinson, E., Villwock, A., Piñar, P., & Morford, J. P. Fast eyes or slow ears: Written word recognition in deaf signing students. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, January 2018.
Villwock, A., Matchin, W., Roth, A., Ilkbasaran, D., Hatrak, M., Davenport, T., Halgren, E. & Mayberry, R. The neural bases of syntactic processing in American Sign Language: Evidence from fMRI and MEG. Poster presented at the 47th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 2017.
Matchin, W., Villwock, A., Roth, A., Ilkbasaran, D., Hatrak, M., Davenport, T., Halgren, E. & Mayberry, R. The cortical organization of syntactic processing in American Sign Language: Evidence from a parametric manipulation of constituent structure in fMRI and MEG. Poster presented at the 9th Society for the Neurobiology of Language Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, November 2017.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. Tactile and visual motion processing in congenitally deaf humans. Poster presented at the 24th Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.
Fengler, I., Bottari, D., Sourav, S., Villwock, A., & Röder, B. Intra- and multisensory interactions in congenitally deaf CI users. Poster presented at the 46th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2016.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. Visuo-tactile motion processing in congenitally deaf humans. Poster presented at the 46th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 2016.
Morford, J. P., Piñar, P., Villwock, A., & Wilkinson, E. Lexical access in deaf bilinguals: A comparison of children and adults. Poster presented at the 12th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2016.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. The impact of congenital deafness on visuo-tactile motion processing. Poster presented at the Multimodal Multilingual Outcomes in Deaf and Hard-of Hearing Children Workshop, Stockholm, June 2016.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. Visual processing in human striate cortex as a result of congenital deafness. Poster presented at the 44th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 2014.
Villwock, A., Bottari, D., & Röder, B. Visual processing in human striate cortex after congenital deafness. Poster presented at the 11th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2014.
Villwock, A. Signs and their development in monastic environments: From the rule of Silence in early Christian congregations to the emergence of sign language communication in monasteries today. Poster presented at the 11th conference of Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, University College London, UK, July 2013.
Villwock, A., Kubus, O., Rathmann, C., & Morford, J.P. Word recognition in deaf readers: Effects of German Sign Language knowledge on German print word processing. Paper presented at the 10th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2012.
Kubus, O., Villwock, A., & Rathmann, C. Bilingualer & bimodaler Zugang zum Lexikon in DGS/Deutsch [Bilingual & Bimodal Lexical Access in DGS/German]. Poster presented at the celebration of 25 Jahre Institut für Deutsche Gebärdensprache, Hamburg, March 2012.
Kubus, O., Villwock, A., Rajashekhar, A., & Rathmann, C. Bimodal Lexical Access to German in Deaf DGS-German Bilinguals. Poster presented at the First Bangor Postgraduate Conference on Bilingualism and Bimodalism, October 2009.
Villwock, A., Wilkinson, E., Bailey, R., Morford, J. P., Kroll, J. K., & Piñar, P. Cross language lexical activation in deaf bilinguals: Does English print activate ASL signs? Poster presented at the 7th International Symposium on Bilingualism, Utrecht, July 2009.
Wilkinson, E., Villwock, A., Bailey, R., Morford, J. P., Kroll, J.K., & Piñar, P. Word recognition in ASL-English bilinguals: Effects of L2 proficiency on cross-language activation. Paper presented at the 8th High Desert Linguistics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 2008.
Morford, J. P., Bailey, R., Villwock, A., & Wilkinson, E. Cross-language lexical activation in ASL-English bilinguals. Paper presented at the Center for Language Science, Penn State University, August 2008.
Wilkinson, E. Villwock, A., Staley, J., Morford, J. P., Piñar, P., & Kroll, J. F. Examining cross-language activation in American Sign Language and English: The nature of the lexicon in deaf ASL-English bilinguals. Poster presented at the First Annual inter-Science of Learning Center Student Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, February 2008.
invited talks
Villwock, A. Sign Language Processing in the Brain. Talk presented at the Sign language in education and
research international conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2022.
Villwock, A. Bilinguale Sprachverarbeitung bei tauben Kindern und Erwachsenen: Die Bedeutung eines
frühen Zugangs zu Sprache. Invited lecture, Ersti-Woche Fachschaft Reha/Gebärdensprachen, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, October 2022.
Rathmann, C. & Villwock, A. Sprachdeprivation: Linguistische, psycholinguistische und neurobiologische
Grundlagen. Talk presented at the conference Taube Menschen mit Sprachdeprivationserfahrungen, Berlin, Germany, September 2022.
Villwock, A. Crossmodal language activation: Lexical access in deaf sign-print bilinguals. Guest lecture
presented in the seminar Sign languages and signing communities at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, July 2022.
Villwock, A. Language processing in deaf bilinguals. Guest lecture presented in the seminar Bilingualism,
Boston University, Boston, USA, April 2022.
Villwock, A. Forschungsethik in der Gebärdensprachforschung. Proseminar Jour fixe Gebärdensprachen,
Universität Wien, Austria, January 2022.
Villwock, A. An introduction to language processing in deaf bilingual adults and children: American Sign
Language and English. Talk presented at the seminar Introduction to Neurocognitive Aspects of Learning and Development, LMU Munich, Germany/University of Lincoln, UK, December 2021.
Villwock, A. Language processing in deaf bilingual adults and children: American Sign
Language and written English. Talk presented at the Clinical Child and Youth Psychology and Psychotherapy lab meeting, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 2021.
Villwock, A., Morford, J. P., Wilkinson, E. Language development in deaf bilinguals: Co-activation of
written English and American Sign Language during lexical processing. Talk presented at the Bilingualism, Mind, and Brain Lab, Department of Language Science, University of California, Irvine, USA, November 2021.
Villwock, A. Neuroplasticity in deaf and deafblind individuals: What are the driving factors for changes at
different non-linguistic and linguistic processing levels? Talk presented at the Mayberry
Laboratory for Multimodal Language Development, Department of Linguistics, University of
California, San Diego, USA, February 2021.
Villwock, A. Language processing in deaf bilinguals: Crossmodal co-activation of English print and
American Sign Language. Talk presented at the Psycholinguistic Colloquium, Institute for German Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, February 2021.
Villwock, A. Language processing in deaf bilingual children and adults: Findings from cross-linguistic
studies. Talk presented at Ciclo Internacional de Estudos Linguísticos em Línguas de Sinais 2020, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brazil, December 2020.
Villwock, A. & Rathmann C. Gebärdensprachforschung in Berlin: Theorie und Praxis. Keynote presented at the Studentische Tagung für Sprachwissenschaft/StuTS 68, Berlin, November 2020.
Villwock, A. Monastic Signs and Deaf Education in Monasteries. Guest lecture presented in the seminar Language and Culture in the Deaf Community at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, October 2020.
Villwock, A. Bilinguale Sprachverarbeitung bei Gebärdensprachnutzer*innen. Talk presented at the lecture series of the Deaf Studies and Sign Language Interpreting program, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Juli 2020.
Villwock, A. Bilingualism in the deaf brain: How do deaf sign-print bilinguals process written words? Guest lecture presented in the seminar Sign languages and signing communities at the University of California, Santa Barbara, February 2020.
Villwock, A. Deutsche Gebärdensprache: Gebärdensprachen und Gebärdensprachdolmetschen – Ein kleines Fach wird sichtbar [German Sign Language: Sign languages and sign language interpreting – towards the visibility of a small subject]. Talk presented at the Ringvorlesung der Initiative "Kleine Fächer an der Universität Hamburg", University of Hamburg, November 2019.
Villwock, A. Wie verarbeiten bilinguale Gebärdensprachnutzer*innen Sprache? Ergebnisse aus experimentellen und neurowissenschaftlichen Studien [How do bilingual sign language users process language? Findings from experimental and neuroscientific studies]. Talk presented at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, November 2019.
Villwock, A. Word recognition in deaf sign-print bilinguals: A comparison of children and adults. Talk presented at the Center for Research in Language (CRL), University of California, San Diego, May 2018.
Villwock, A. Visual, tactile, and multisensory processing after congenital deafness: An ERP study. Talk presented at the VL2 Student Network Friday Meeting Series, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, November 2017.
Villwock, A. Lexical access in deaf bilinguals. Guest lecture presented in the seminar Psycholinguistics of Sign Language, Department of Linguistics, University of California, San Diego, May 2017.
Villwock, A. Visual, tactile, and visuo-tactile processing in congenitally deaf native signers.
Talk presented at the VL2 Student Network Friday Meeting Series, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, April 2017.
Villwock, A. Visual, tactile, and multisensory processing in congenitally deaf humans. Talk presented at the Laboratory for Language and Cognitive Neuroscience, San Diego State University, San Diego, February 2017.
Villwock, A. Gehörlosenbildung und Gebärdensprache in Klöstern: Eine historische Betrachtung vom Mittelalter bis heute. Talk presented at the 100th German Catholic Convention, Leipzig, May 2016.
Villwock, A. Gebärdensprachen und Gehörlosenkultur. Guest lecture presented in the seminar Basic principles of cognitive development and neurophysiological basics of early language processing, Developmental Psychology, University of Hamburg, December 2014.
Villwock, A. Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale in der Gebärdensprachforschung. Talk presented at the Fachtagung für Promovierende und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen im Bereich Gebärdensprachlinguistik, Hamburg, July 2014.