Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Rehabilitation Sciences




  • Head of the Department of Pedagogy for Learning Impairments and General Rehabilitation Pedagogy
  • Advisory Board of the Center for Inclusion Research Berlin (ZfIB)
  • Chairman of the Spatial Planning Commission




1971 Born in Hamburg, married to Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hoffmann, three children.
1990-1991 Community service at a school for children and young people with intellectual disabilities in Hamburg.
1992-1998 Studied sociology, psychology and political science at the University of Hamburg and the Free University of Berlin. Graduated with a degree in sociology from the Free University of Berlin in 1999 with a thesis on institutional change in forensic psychiatry (referees: Prof. Dr. Gerburg Treusch-Dieter & Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kamper).
1998-2000 Educator in various Berlin residential facilities for men and women with disabilities.
1999-2003 Lecturer at the Institute for Disability Education at the University of Hamburg.
2000-2001 Educator in various residential facilities and day care centers for people with so-called "challenging behavior" and "severe disabilities" in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein; individual case worker in the context of educational care in own living space for mentally ill adults; lecturer at the vocational school for curative education of the Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf (Hamburg).
2001-2002 Honorary position as a teacher in the field of adult education at the Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf (Hamburg).
2001-2006 Research assistant at the Faculty of Special Education at Ludwigsburg University of Education.
2006-2007 Research assistant at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University of Cologne (Chair of Education and Didactics for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Ziemen).
2007 Assistant Professor (Akademischer Oberrat) at the Faculty of Special Education at Ludwigsburg University of Education.
2015-2016 Visiting professor (W2) of Pedagogy for Severe Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and Inclusive Pedagogy at the Heidelberg University of Education.
2016-2017 Visiting Professor (W2) of Rehabilitation Sociology, Vocational Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Law at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
2018 Appointment to the professorship (W2) of Educational Science with a focus on inclusion and exclusion at the Institute of Educational Science at Philipps University Marburg (declined).
2018-2024 Professor (§98) of Inclusive Education at the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Innsbruck.
2023 Appointment to the professorship (W3) of Educational Science with a focus on inclusion and heterogeneity in the education system at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Jena (declined).
2024 Professor (W3) of General Pedagogy for People with Disabilities and Pedagogy for People with Learning Disabilities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.